Prop 19 Calculator.

Property Tax Calculator

Prop 19 Calculator - We are adding some new features. We look forward to having the new version available shortly.

California owners of a primary residence over 55 years of age, or severely disabled*, or a victim of a wildfire or natural disaster may transfer the base year value of their primary residence to a replacement primary residence located anywhere in California that is purchased or newly constructed as that person's principal residence within two years of the sale of the original primary residence. In order to estimate the potential new base year value of the replacement principal residence, upon approval of a qualifying claim, please provide the information below.

DISCLAIMER: This prop 19 new property tax estimator calculator is based on the California Association of Realtors analysis of Prop 19. These are only estimates. Each county and city has different tax assessments that may apply. To get an accurate figure you should consult with a professional tax and estate advisor. By using the calculator, you accept the terms & conditions above to use the prop 19 new property tax estimator calculator.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, Proposition 19 might impact your upcoming escrow and title transaction. Escrow may require additional documentation if you intend to transfer the current taxable value of the property.

*Prop 19 calculations utilize the Prop 13 cap to calculate the new property taxes under this program. If your assessed value has been reduced based on Prop 8, the Mills Act or any other programs, the calculations will not be based on that reduced valuation.

**If the replacement home is of equal or lesser value than the original home, the original home’s factored base year value may be transferred to the replacement home without incurring any value adjustment. Generally, “equal or lessor value” means:

  • 100% or less of the full cash value of the original home if a replacement home is purchased or newly constructed before the sale of the original home, or
  • 105% or less of the full cash value of the original home if a replacement home is purchased or newly constructed within the first year after the sale of the original home, or
  • 110% or less of the full cash value of the original home if a replacement home is purchased or newly constructed within the second year after the sale of the original home.

*This Prop 19 calculator is provided as a courtesy of Monarch Title. It is for estimates only based on the California Association of Realtors’ analysis of Prop 19. Always consult a tax attorney, estate planner, or the County Assessor’s office for the most accurate figure. By using this calculator, you accept these terms and conditions. Monarch Title and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of this calculator, or any information contained herein.